Friday, September 18, 2009


Back to the mirror again. It is there in front of me multiple times a day. It is dawning on me that this is God's primary communication tool for our relationship. As I walk through my day and the people he calls me to interact with I see He is speaking to me every day, all day. One example occured the other day while I was interacting with a verizon phone tech. She was informing me that I had declined insurance on a replacement phone two months ago and this problem really wasn't covered. I could feel myself reacting and wanting to allow something other than love to spew forth. In that moment God gently tapped me on the shoulder and asked me to go with Him to look into the mirror that this vessel (the verizon tech) was holding up for me. God was calling me to a conversation about why I was feeling these emotions and what beliefs were fueling them. Why did I feel justified in allowing anything to flow out of me toward one of God's magnificent creations other than love? Perhaps I had chosen to take control of getting my own perceived needs met and my needs clearly were not being met. Perhaps I decided my needs were more important than God's desire for them to experience His love through me. Then in the instant it took for me to submit my will to His all emotion related to the situation left me. I saw the experience for what it was, another vessel being used as a mirror for God to have a personal conversation with me. As I walk through each day, I marvel at the simultaneous simplicity and intricasies of God and all His creation. It is my walk of worship with Him.

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