Thursday, May 28, 2009


In June 2007 I made a trip to Florida for a Theophostic prayer conference. For the first time in my life I sat and focused on what God wanted to say instead of winging it off my interpretation of the Bible. The following is the prophecy he gave me three words at a time.

Father’s supplication, no struggle, no offense owed
Listen to the still small voice.
One small thing.
I will know the coming and the going.
I will show you my ways.
This is for you.
And I will break down walls.
There is an ocean.
Millions of rocks shattered and spread across.
And you shall be called.
There is a book that is learned.
Trust me with this task.

Rain and fountains flowing like sand.
There is but one path.
A blade (the bible) in the dark provides the light.
My word is the path into their hearts.
My love shall suffice.
For all is possible with God.
Do not forget these truths in times of darkness.
I am light, this you know.
Many shall fall along the way.
Do not be burdened with this sadness.
Water droplets millions of drops.
What we shall see will not pass away.
In time you will know the purpose of this time.
For you can see what shall pass.
The thread can pass through any place that I desire.
The path is the one I will choose for you to travel.
This you know.

1 comment:

  1. I am your 1st follower! Yea me!! You can follow Amanda & I..
